My prayer is that TOGETHER devotions will bring families closer to one another and Jesus.


— Proverbs 22:6



“Our family started receiving the ‘Together’ devotion in 2020 and it has been such a blessing to us. My husband and I had been thinking about how we needed to start a devotion but were aware that our daughters were young (3 and 5 at the time) and didn’t want to have something that was too complicated for them to understand. ‘Together’ is such a great devotion and works perfectly for our family. Our youngest who is now 4 listens well and is able to contribute to the conversations, while our 6 year old loves the added responsibility of not just answering but helping to read it; the questions are at such a great level for children to understand and the ‘let’s listen’ segment creates a lot of great discussion as well. We take turns to pray about the devotion when we are done and our daughters enjoy this added aspect as well. If you are wanting a great devotion with fantastic and relevant topics, that is easy to put into action, then you’ve found it with ‘Together’.”

- Julia, Auckland NZ


“Together is an amazing resource that has connected us as a family, guided us through wonderful and tricky conversations and lead us to have a closer relationship with each other and Jesus! We love it! Together has become our ritual at breakfast, in the car, around the dinner table and any spare moment in between!”

- Kate, Wollongong Australia

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"Together is a fantastic resource if you want to take your children deeper with Jesus. The daily devotionals are the perfect length for doing together over brekkie, and the questions always spark great conversation. I would thoroughly recommend this well written and well thought out devotional for primary school aged children"

- Alex, London UK


“Together has become a favorite part of our weekly routine. The conversations that flow and the beautiful way in which it gently teaches us the importance of togetherness around the word of God, is truly such an encouragement to us. With such warmth and love in the explanations and examples given in Together, means we don't have to stumble around what to do as a family devotion. It's so easy to follow along, and even the activities have given us much joy to share in. Thank you Shell for sharing your heart and your passion with Together to help teach the good news to our beautiful family.”

- Melanie, Central Coast Australia


"Even the best intentioned parents can find life so full and unfortunately, regular family devotions can be a challenge. We love the simplicity of the Together resource as it allows for natural conversations about God, who He is and how He desires to be part of our everyday lives. Deuteronomy 6 talks about impressing the importance of loving God with our soul, heart and strength. This tool enables you to do that with your children when they are waking up, sitting at home around the table, driving in the car along the road or lying in bed at night. One of the greatest joys for a parent is to see your children own their faith, recognise they need a saviour, ask for His forgiveness and to love Him with their heart, soul and strength."

- Brett Ryan, CEO Focus on the Family Australia


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