

Firstly, my name is Shell. I am a wife, mumma, friend, sister, daughter, teacher, parenting course facilitator, author and I love Jesus. I am mum to four beautiful children: Jack 8, Noah 6, Eleanor 4, and Florence 2. I love an adventure, surfing, tramping, adventure races, ocean swims, bike rides and I love people. I am a complete extrovert!!!

We live in New Plymouth, Taranaki in New Zealand. It is absolutely stunning, it has an amazing mountain that comes in and out of the clouds, black sandy beaches and I am surrounded by beautiful friends. I have two homes, New Plymouth and Sydney, Australia where I grew up and was born.

I love being a mum but sometimes I find this parenting gig so very hard. I hope there is a few things on this website to help you enjoy this parenting journey just that little bit more! I love hearing from people so please drop me a line and I will endeavour to get back to you!



Interested in my book? Watch a short clip of it below!



TOGETHER started after lockdown here in NZ back in 2020.

I felt lead to start writing a kids devotion for my own family. This then progressed to sharing it with friends and family, and now over 1000 families are apart of the TOGETHER family. TOGETHER is now posted to each individual family as a booklet art the start of each school term.

If you want to be apart of the TOGETHER family and receive a free booklet  SUBSCRIBE.

We are in the thick of a very busy season in our lives, and I wanted our faith to be apart of the everyday life.

With this busy, fun and full season ahead and behind us, I have created The Parenting Journey (a parenting course). Head over to the The Parenting Journey page and take a look for yourself and see if it is something that would help you enjoy your parenting journey that little bit more.


Praying that TOGETHER- The Parenting Journey will help families feel more connected and closer to one another.